This is the Maryland Legislative Coalition’s second year of producing scorecards and grades for all of our legislators for the session.  This year, we have made a number of changes to the scorecard. We are presenting the scorecard with 3 components:
· Voting Record
· Committee Efficiency
· Individual Initiative

We have done this to provide objective information on the behaviors that we believe constituents are interested in: how their representatives vote, what their committees get done and how active they are in sponsoring and leading the passage of legislation in accordance with our values.

Voting Record –
As will be apparent to readers of last year’s scorecard, there is one major change in how the scorecards were calculated from last year. Last year, all bills that received a vote were scored – bills that got a vote in committee and never made it to the floor as well as bills that got a floor vote. Implicitly, this hurt the scores of legislators who were serving on committees that did not pass many bills out of committee. So, this year, only floor votes were scored.

Committee Efficiency –
This year, we have come up with a productivity index that rewards both the efficiency of a committee as well as the individual initiative of representatives. Committees were scored in terms of their rate of passage of bills, using our 130 priority bills, and each legislator was given the grade corresponding to the committee they were on. Some committees only passed 40% of the bills that they saw out of committee, while others passed 95%. It is our hope that this will shine a light on the need for committees to function efficiently and effectively, particularly given the compressed schedule of the Maryland legislature.  Committee leaders are shown in bold on the Committee column.

Individual Initiative –
The individual initiative score rates bills sponsored, as a subset of our 130 priority bills, by each legislator. Here we are attempting to draw attention to the individual leadership of legislators, beyond the work of the committee they were assigned to. This year, there are a number of freshman legislators and it is interesting to note the different levels of initiative of this cadre. We do want to make note that there were many bills sponsored that are not part of our 130 priorities that were not included here.
Together we hope that the 3 scores – the voting record, the individual initiative and the efficiency of the committee of each representative, provides constituents with an objective and balanced view of the performance of each legislator.

Honorable Mentions –
Finally, we have created a write up of honorable mentions to recognize the passion with which individual legislators defend priority bills on the floor.
We would like to recognize the following legislators for their stellar work on the three most impactful bills of the session – the Clean Energy Jobs Act, the Prescription Drug Affordability Board and the End of Life Option Act.
Delegate Lorig Charkoudian (who was not the sponsor, but who did a masterful job as the Floor Leader) and Senator Brian Feldman for the Clean Energy Jobs Act.
Delegate Joseline Pena-Melnyk, Delegate Bonnie Cullison (who was not a sponsor, but worked very hard for the bill) and Senator Brian Feldman for the Prescription Drug Affordability Board
Delegate Shane Pendergrass and Senator Will Smith for the End-Of-Life Option Act

The full scorecard with all the scoring for each bill can be found by clicking on Scorecard – 2019 Final   or copying this link into your browser –


A summary of the final scores and grades can be found below.

Acevero, Gabriel 75% C APP 75%
Adams, Christopher T. 4% F ECM 44%
Anderson, Curt 85% B JUD 95%
Anderton, Carl, Jr. 11% F APP 75%
Arentz, Steven J. -8% F ECM 44% 1
Arikan, Lauren -4% F JUD 95%
Attar, Dalya 92% A E&T 40%
Atterbeary, Vanessa E. 100% A JUD 95% 4
Bagnall, Heather 100% A HGO 50%
Barnes, Ben 96% A APP 75%
Barnes, Darryl 92% A APP 75%
Barron, Erek L. 91% A HGO 50% 5
Bartlett, J. Sandy 100% A JUD 95%
Barve, Kumar P. 100% A E&T 40%
Beitzel, Wendell R. 13% F APP 75%
Bhandari, Harry 71% C HGO 50%
Boteler, Joseph C -4% F W&M 75%
Boyce, Regina 100% A E&T 40%
Branch, Talmadge 100% A ECM 44%
Bridges, Tony 96% A E&T 40% 1
Bromwell, Eric M. 83% B ECM 44%
Brooks, Benjamin 100% A ECM 44%
Buckel, Jason C. 13% F W&M 75%
Busch, Michael E. 100% A 0% 2
Cain, Alice 100% A W&M 75% 2
Cardin, Jon S 96% A JUD 95% 1
Carey, Ned 77% C ECM 44% 1
Carr, Alfred C., Jr. 96% A HGO 50% 1
Cassilly, Andrew 13% F E&T 40%
Chang, Mark S. 96% A APP 75% 1
Charkoudian, Lorig 100% A ECM 44%
Charles, Nick 92% A HGO 50%
Chisholm, Brian 8% F HGO 50%
Ciliberti, Barrie S. 6% F E&T 40%
Clark, Jerry 13% F E&T 40%
Clippinger, Luke 100% A JUD 95% 2
Conaway, Frank M., Jr. 96% A JUD 95%
Corderman, Paul 13% F APP 75%
Cox, Dan -2% F JUD 95%
Crosby, Brian M. 75% C ECM 44%
Crutchfield, Charlotte 100% A JUD 95% 2
Cullison, Bonnie 100% A HGO 50% 1
Davis, Debra 88% B JUD 95%
Davis, Dereck E. 96% A ECM 44% 1
Dumais, Kathleen M. 100% A ECM 44% 3
Ebersole, Eric 100% A W&M 75% 3
Feldmark, Jessica 100% A W&M 75%
Fennell, Diana M. 100% A ECM 44% 1
Fisher, Mark N. -4% F ECM 44%
Fisher, Wanika 87% B JUD 95% 1
Fletcher-Harrison, Andrea 100% A E&T 40%
Fraser-Hidalgo, David 100% A E&T 40% 2
Gaines, Tawanna P. 100% A APP 75%
Ghrist, Jefferson L. 0% F APP 75% 1
Gilchrist, Jim 100% A E&T 40%
Glenn, Cheryl D. 92% A ECM 44% 4
Grammer, Robin L., Jr. 0% F JUD 95% 1
Guyton, Michele 92% A W&M 75% 1
Harrison, Andrea 96% A E&T 40%
Hartman, Wayne A. -4% F JUD 95%
Haynes, Keith E. 100% A APP 75% 1
Healey, Anne 96% A E&T 40%
Hettleman, Shelly 100% A APP 75% 2
Hill, Terri 100% A HGO 50%
Holmes, Marvin E., Jr. 92% A E&T 40% 1
Hornberger, Kevin B. 21% F W&M 75%
Howard, Seth A. 21% F ECM 44% 1
Impallaria, Rick -2% F ECM 44%
Ivey, Julian 91% A W&M 75% 3
Jackson, Michael A. 91% A APP 75%
Jacobs, Jay A. -8% F E&T 40%
Jalisi, Jay 67% D E&T 40%
Johnson, Steve 88% B HGO 50%
Jones, Adrienne A. 96% A APP 75%
Kaiser, Anne R. 96% A W&M 75% 1
Kelly, Ariana B. 100% A HGO 50%
Kerr, Ken 92% A HGO 50%
Kipke, Nicholaus R. 19% F HGO 50%
Kittleman, Trent 6% F APP 75%
Korman, Marc 100% A APP 75% 2
Krebs, Susan W. 4% F HGO 50%
Krimm, Carol L. 100% A APP 75% 1
Lafferty, Stephen W. 100% A E&T 40% 3
Lehman, Mary A. 100% A E&T 40%
Lewis, Jazz 92% A HGO 50%
Lewis, Robbyn 100% A HGO 50% 1
Lierman, Brooke E. 100% A APP 75% 5
Lisanti, Mary Ann 83% B ECM 44% 1
Long, Robert B. 15% F W&M 75%
Lopez, Lesley J 92% A JUD 95%
Love, Sara 96% A E&T 40% 1
Luedtke, Eric G. 100% A W&M 75% 2
Malone, Michael E. 25% F JUD 95%
Mangione, Nino -8% F APP 75%
Mautz, Johnny 8% F ECM 44%
McComas, Susan 8% F JUD 95% 1
McIntosh, Maggie 100% A APP 75%
McKay, Mike 8% F APP 75%
Metzgar, Ric 21% F HGO 50%
Miller, Warren E. -16% F ECM 44%
Moon, David 96% A JUD 95% 4
Morgan, Matthew 0% F HGO 50%
Mosby, Nick 96% A W&M 75% 4
Otto, Charles J. 0% F E&T 40%
Palakovich-Carr, Julie 100% A W&M 75%
Parrott, Neil -17% F E&T 40%
Patterson, Edith J. 92% A W&M 75% 1
Pena-Melnyk, Joseline A. 100% A HGO 50% 5
Pendergrass, Shane E. 92% A HGO 50% 1
Pippy, Jesse T. 8% F JUD 95%
Proctor, Susie 100% A APP 75%
Queen, Pam 96% A ECM 44% 1
Qui, Lily 100% A ECM 44% 1
Reilly, Teresa E. 8% F W&M 75%
Reznik, Kirill 100% A APP 75% 5
Rogers, Mike 92% A ECM 44%
Rose, April 8% F W&M 75%
Rosenberg, Samuel I. 96% A HGO 50% 1
Saab, Sid 15% F HGO 50%
Sample-Hughes, Sheree 83% B HGO 50%
Shetty, Emily 100% A JUD 95% 5
Shoemaker, Haven 6% F W&M 75%
Smith, Stephanie 100% A W&M 75%
Solomon, Jared 100% A APP 75% 2
Stein, Dana 100% A E&T 40% 2
Stewart, Vaughn 100% A E&T 40% 1
Sydnor, Charles E 92% A JUD 95% 4
Szeliga, Kathy 12% F HGO 50%
Terrasa, Jen 100% A APP 75%
Turner, Veronica 96% A W&M 75%
Valderrama, Kriselda 100% A ECM 44%
Valentino-Smith, Geraldine 96% A APP 75% 1
Walker, Jay 79% C W&M 75%
Washington, Alonzo T. 100% A W&M 75% 2
Watson, Courtney 96% A ECM 44%
Watson, Ron 92% A JUD 95%
Wells, Melissa 100% A E&T 40% 1
Wilkins, Jheanelle K. 96% A W&M 75% 5
Wilson, C. T. 83% B ECM 44% 1
Wivell, William J. -8% F E&T 40%
Young, Karen Lewis 100% A HGO 50%
Young, Pat 100% A APP 75% 1
Augustine, Malcolm 94% A FIN 30% 1
Bailey, Jack 33% F EHEA 83%
Beidle, Pamela 94% A FIN 30% 1
Benson, Joanne C. 94% A FIN 30% 2
Carroza, Mary Beth 39% F EHEA 83%
Carter, Jill 93% A JPR 73% 8
Cassilly, Robert 22% F JPR 73%
Eckardt, Adelaide C. 44% F BUD 100%
Edwards, George C. 33% F BUD 100%
Elfreth, Sarah 100% A BUD 100% 2
Ellis, Arthur 94% A EHEA 83% 1
Feldman, Brian J. 100% A FIN 30% 4
Ferguson, Bill 94% A BUD 100% 3
Gallion, Jason 22% F EHEA 83%
Griffith, Melony 94% A BUD 100%
Guzzone, Guy 100% A BUD 100%
Hayes, Antonio 94% A FIN 30% 2
Hershey, Stephen S., Jr. 44% F FIN 30% 2
Hester, Katie 100% A JPR 73%
Hough, Michael J. 33% F JPR 73% 1
Jennings, J. B. 28% F FIN 30%
Kagan, Cheryl C. 100% A EHEA 83% 2
Kelley, Delores G. 100% A FIN 30%
King, Nancy J. 94% A BUD 100% 1
Klausmeier, Katherine 89% B FIN 30% 3
Kramer, Ben 100% A FIN 30% 1
Lam, Clarence 94% A EHEA 83% 4
Lee, Susan C. 100% A JPR 73% 4
McCray, Cory 94% A BUD 100% 5
Miller, Thomas V. Mike, Jr. 94% A 0% 2
Nathan-Pulliam, Shirley 100% A EHEA 83% 2
Patterson, Obie 94% A EHEA 83%
Peters, Douglas J.  94% A BUD 100%
Pinsky, Paul G. 100% A EHEA 83% 5
Ready, Justin 33% F JPR 73%
Reilly, Edward R. 56% F FIN 30%
Rosapepe, Jim 94% A BUD 100% 1
Salling, Johnny Ray 28% F BUD 100%
Serafini, Andrew A. 22% F BUD 100%
Simonaire, Bryan W. 33% F EHEA 83%
Smith, William C., Jr. 100% A JPR 73% 10
Waldstreicher, Jeff 100% A JPR 73% 3
Washington, Mary 94% A JPR 73% 7
West, Chris 56% F JPR 73% 2
Young, Ronald N. 100% A EHEA 83% 3
Zirkin, Bobby A. 100% A JPR 73% 4
Zucker, Craig J. 100% A BUD 100% 4