Summit Presentations and Videos
Below are the presentations and videos from the 2018 Legislative Summit.
Training – Delegate Eric Luedtke
Maryland State Education Association (MSEA)/Strong Schools Maryland Presentation on the Kirwan Comission
MSEA and Strong Schools Maryland advocate for our schools, our teachers and our children.
Cash Campaign:
The CASH Campaign advocates to provide economic security to low to moderate income communities.
Out for Justice – Presenter Nicole Hanson. Out for Justice is an ex-offender, member-led organization that promotes polity reform of policies that adversely affect the ex-offenders re-entering into society successfully.
NARAL Pro-Choice – Presenter Diana Phillip. NARAL Pro-Choice Maryland fights for reproductive freedom for every person in the state. Each day, they organize and mobilize to protect that freedom by fighting for access to abortion care, birth control, paid parental leave and protections from pregnancy discrimination.
Full Conference Videos:
Conference Start until Lunch Break:
Lunch Break until Afternoon Break:
Afternoon Break until Conference End: